Why Goat?

There seems to be a clear opportunity to consider an alternative healthier red meat for Scotland. Scottish residents are looking to become healthier by eating foods that are better for them and with backing from the government to reduce obesity, goat meat could certainly fit the bill. Scotland and its economy need the red meat industry to help the state of the country and reduce health costs, and also to provide enough food for the growing population.

Goat meat is often discounted as a main meat to most people due to the perception of it, people think that it is a tough, smelly meat only eaten in poor undeveloped countries but this is entirely the wrong reputation it should have. Goat meat is good quality meat. In fact goat tastes much like lamb or a combination of lamb and beef and can sometimes be a little gamier (British Boer Goat Society, 2010).

Throughout the world, it is estimated that more people eat goat meat and drink goat milk than any other animal this includes chicken and beef from cows. This is due to the amount of goat used as a main source of meat and dairy products in the developing world. It is estimated that 72% of the world’s milk consumption is from goats (Goat World, 2011).

The Healthy Red Meat

Goat meat is a great alternative to beef or pork. It’s lean and packed with excellent nutritional benefits, making it an appealing choice for health-conscious consumers.

When compared to chicken, beef, pork, and lamb, goat meat is lower in calories, fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol. It also boasts higher levels of iron and potassium while containing lower levels of sodium.

Comparison of Composition between Different Farmed Animals